Global View

You can access Worklog View global context under the Apps on the Top side menu Jira.

And you can only see an issue with app if its has a worklog.


You can search globally your issues with JQL search area its supporting all available JQL functions, operators and keywords .

Issue Based View


At the table on the upper left side you can filter by Issue or Work logged user. Middle of the upper side you can see how many issue return from your query and how many on the table. Right of the upper side you can see export button, it is exports as a excel with two sheet ones for “Detailed” expanded with worklog and other one “Issue” based. At the table you can see your issue and expandable worklogs with details. At the bottom side of table you can change issue count on the table.

User Based View


In the User Based View you can see your worklog search resolute as user time spent and worklog count.

And when you expand user you can see user workloged issue and details.